Event Title: Easter Wreaths - Half- Term Holiday Crafts
Date and time: Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th April
Description: Start getting into the Easter spirit, with these cute wreaths to decorate your home! So come along and bring your creativity to this fun craft.
Event Title: Easter Suncatchers - Half- Term Holiday Crafts
Date and time: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th April
Description: This week for Easter, we will be making suncatchers in eggs, chicks and bunnies out of paper and tissue paper. Why not come along and catch some sun!
Suitable for ages 3-12 years
Times: 10am to 12pm - drop in
Cost: £1 per child
Old Baptist Chapel,
Old Baptist Chapel Court,
GL20 5RZ
Booking: Drop in workshop for more info call 01684 297174 or email education@johnmooremuseum.org